Whether on the tour bus or in the boardroom, sometimes, you’ve chosen a “bandmate” who doesn’t quite fit, or isn’t growing at the same rate as the rest of the band members.
Sales meetings are important for your teams, yet your salespeople usually dread them. There’s an art to hosting successful sales meetings that your team members will look forward to.
I bet you are familiar with the term “One Hit Wonder.” It refers to a band or artist who has one hugely popular song and then fades into obscurity. Here’s how not to become a One Hit Wonder in your life or career.
What do you do if your team never came back to the office after COVID? Many companies opted to remain remote, forgoing traditional offices and allowing employees to work from anywhere with a strong internet connection. Here’s how to incorporate fun with remote employees.
Many think being a leader makes them feel like an absolute rockstar. Special treatment, fame, respect, and adoration, and the power to influence many… can be exciting. But, unfortunately, for many, it breeds a humongous ego.