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Rock your BHAG

Are you familiar with the term BHAG? It has been floating around corporate and motivational circles for years now. It stands for “big hairy audacious goal.” The concept dares people and organizations to dream big, to set your sights on the very best possible outcome for yourself and your organization. Your vision can be a […]


Bring Your Swagger

If you’re going to be a rock star, you’ve got to have swagger! Your posture, your voice, and your dress should be confident….probably a bit more confident than you actually feel. Behavioral research shows that people who display overconfidence actually succeed in multiple social situations more often than those who display ordinary or underconfidence. Attitude […]


Let Your Inner Rockstar Out

Want to know what you have in common with every rock star that has ever lived? You are your own best product. You are the sum of your talent, your efforts, and your values. If you want to be comfortable and confident selling Brand You, then invest your energies into developing your inner rock star: […]


You have the makings of a Business Rock Star…

Thanks to what I have learned from all of my own personal rock stars—my parents, mentors, great fans, life style gurus, and business coaches like Steven Covey and Anthony Robbins, bands like KISS, and lessons from my own mistakes along the way, I have had a pretty rockin’ life so far. I think anyone can. […]


Be a Rock Star in Business and Beyond

I’ll bet nobody has to tell you what a rock star is. Say the word and your thoughts go immediately to your favorite band or solo artist—to bright lights, blistering guitar chords, screaming girls, and wildly tossing hair. Maybe you picture Mick Jagger strutting across a stage, or Steven Tyler howling into the mic. Maybe […]


Generation X,Y and B: The New Normal

Rock on to all my business rock stars, social media friends, customers, associates, guests and creditors!!! Marvelless Mark 3.0 is here!! Some economists say that the recession has been over for years and that the times we are living in now are referred to as the NEW NORMAL! Our customers are demanding better customer service […]

About Mark

Mark began inspiring audiences with his acclaimed book Opportunity Rocks®. After the book was featured in USA Today, Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators and TBN, it didn’t take long for Mark Kamp® to have his own following of screaming fans.

Now the exuberant keynote experience it is today, Mark Kamp’s® mission is to unlock everyone’s inner rock star, wherever that may take him.

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