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Imagine you are on top of the world. You're playing all the big stages with sold-out stadiums, your fans can’t get enough of you and the crowd goes wild!

Then one day it all stops.

Your tour dates are canceling one by one and new ones aren’t booking. The next thing you know you’re back in garage band mode.

Alright, you’re probably not an actual rock star. But 2020 grounded just about every one of us. There you were, creating raving fans in your business, growing your organization, focused on the future when everything changed. Overnight, business dried up, clients canceled, and the market became a chorus of frightened crickets. Business plans you started the year off with, were worth no more than the paper they were printed on.

Thankfully, we are now entering a new year, a time to wake up our inner rock stars and take to the stages of business once again.

How do great leaders and top producers “find their way back?” The same way great band leaders get their bands out of the garage and back on tour.

Unleash Your Inner Rock Star

The past year has sent many businesses back to the drawing board. Without a steady stream of clients, many organizations have gone into crisis mode, cutting back on “non-essential costs” (which aren’t so non-essential after all), furloughing employees, or laying them off. They have gone from offense to defense.

While this may be necessary for a short period of time, the problem with operating from a defensive angle is that a business tends to get stuck there. While it sounds counterintuitive, it can be easy or “comfortable” to be in crisis mode. After all, you don’t have to take responsibility for your situation and you can dip a toe in, but never dive in fully.

What rockstars on stage and rockstars in the office know, is that in order to succeed, you need to be all in. Failure is not an option and you must commit to doing everything in your power to hit your goals and thrive. Now is not the time to hide in the garage sitting on speakers and drinking a beer. Now is the time to reinvent, repackage, and “get back on tour”… whatever that means to your business.

Drive Change

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said “Change is the only constant,” and he couldn’t have been more correct. If 2020 taught us anything, it was that we need to be able to adapt. From setting up home offices overnight to conducting all meetings and trainings through Zoom, we have been forced to accept the “new normal” and adapt accordingly.

But what if the key to success wasn’t just adapting to change, it was driving it?

Take Madonna as an example. The “Material Girl” is one of the most successful and highly-paid women in the music industry. She’s stayed relevant over multiple decades to a fan base spanning generations. She didn’t do that by following trends and adapting to change. She did it by creating change. Madonna considers herself and her art a work-in-progress and that’s exactly how you should look at your business.

How can you use your creativity to be at the forefront of your industry? Challenge yourself every day to do things differently. Don’t just ride change, drive it.

While the “noise” of competition has moved to a virtual platform, that doesn’t make it easier to stand out. It actually makes it harder. What are you doing to set yourself apart from the competition and become a household name?

Do you think Sting, Madonna, Elvis, or Rihanna earned their single-name status by doing the bare minimum? No! They sang louder, played harder, and more unique than anyone else. Now it’s your turn. Figure out what people say about you when you leave a room (or a webinar). Is this how you want to be remembered?  What they say is your brand. Find what makes you different and memorable, and then lean into it with everything you’ve got.

As you begin 2021, remember that now is your time to get out of the garage and back on tour. Don't let a setback affect your comeback. Unleash your inner rockstar and take your industry by storm!

About Mark

Mark began inspiring audiences with his acclaimed book Opportunity Rocks®. After the book was featured in USA Today, Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators and TBN, it didn’t take long for Mark Kamp® to have his own following of screaming fans.

Now the exuberant keynote experience it is today, Mark Kamp’s® mission is to unlock everyone’s inner rock star, wherever that may take him.

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