Let's Connect
Do you get paid to play? Is your company’s mission statement also your mission statement? Does it have anything to do with you having fun?  What if you added the word fun to your mission statement or your company’s vision?  Would that make a difference in your culture? Would it make a difference in how you interact with your customers or associates? Your boss? Your employees? Your family? Would it make you want to jump out of bed and go to work or go to play everyday? Think about it. From a very small infant what are you programed to do? Play! We play as a baby, we play at school, and we played in college.  Some of us a little more than others. So why wouldn’t you naturally just want to play at work? Guess what rock stars love to do? PLAY. But not just on stage! They play at home, and they play hard. But they play with a purpose. Their play is in alignment with their D Chord. They have big unreasonable DREAMS. They have Dreams or a mission statement of their company. They have a rock star mindset. Great leaders play with a purpose and lead their teams to do just that. They have a rock star mindset. That is when Opportunity Rocks. But what does that look like? It starts with a small shift in the way you think. Shift happens. Change the way you think, change the way you feel. Or in this case, change the way you think, change the way you play. To help that shift to happen here are three action items you can do.
  1. Re-write your mission or vision statement. Making it clear, laser focused, meaningful and add the words play or fun to it. If you are going to spend over 8 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week, 50 weeks a year, and 30 to 40 years of your life doing something wouldn’t you rather have fun doing it? Refuse to grow up.
  2. Re-write your company’s mission or vision statement. Make it clear, more purposeful and work in the words- fun and play. Then take it up the ladder to whoever has the power to change it. Sell them on your idea. Do your homework first. Show them the research of how company’s productivity and employee and customer engagement goes up with companies that have a “play with a purpose” culture. Companies that have a rock star mindset.
  3. Just do it. Thank you Nike. Play your A Chord and take immediate action everyday. If your company doesn’t buy into it at first, be a rock star and break the rules. Pretend they did and just start doing it on your own. Share it with other team members and watch it spread. Excitement is contagious. That’s when the magic really happens and you drive change instead of change driving you. Marvelless Mark said, “Rock stars drive change not ride it.” Eventually someone will notice.
Maybe you’re saying, “easier said than done”, or “we are not allowed to have fun at work”. Says who? Is it a written policy? Let’s pull a Mike Rayburn and say, “What if?”. What if you could play with a purpose? What would it look like? What would you say, do and act like? Isn’t that worth a shot? If you’re dedicating such a large chunk of your life to something let’s make it fun. Research shows people learn and perform better when their having fun. If you don’t love your job, then love why you do it. Thank you Tony Robbins. Find a way to have fun. If you don’t make sacrifices for the things you want, the things you want become the sacrifices. I challenge you to start thinking like a rock star. Look for ways to play with a purpose at work and at home. This stuff works great for relationships and families too. Please share and repost this article. Let’s Rock Change!         “Marvelless” Mark Kamp is a Keynote Entertainer/Keynote Speaker, Author, Husband, Father, and child of God. He works with organizations who want their teams to achieve rock star results. He does this in a fun and engaging way using the success secrets of rock stars and the right amount of entertainment.

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