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Have you ever been to a Las Vegas show, experienced a keynote event, or heard and introduction like: “Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the one and only…………….only to find out they really were not “the one and only”? Or maybe you’ve heard a similar keynote speaker or you’ve seen entertainment acts that reminded you of someone else? What does the one and only really mean? To me, it’s one of the highest compliments you can receive as a speaker or an entertainer. In marketing, it means you’ve done such an awesome job of branding your product or service- that people always think of you. Better yet, your name comes up when speaking of a competitor. Numerous times friends and colleagues would introduce me as  “one of a kind”, “there’s nobody like this guy”, and you guessed it, ”the one and only” Marvelless Mark.  It’s a title or a brand one must earn, hone their skill or craft, live and breath it every day. Walk the walk and talk the talk as they say. So how does that happen?  Pretty simple. It’s not Rocket science it’s ROCK-IT science. Being the one and only requires 4-key rockstar principals:
  1. Reinvention.
  2. Innovation
  3. Unlimited Energy
  4. Taking Risk (or being fearless)
Some rockstar examples of my favorite one and only’s are: Kiss, Bon Jovi, The Rolling Stones, and Taylor Swift.  If you research the careers of these music legends, you will see that they constantly practice these 4 things. They are constantly reinventing themselves, they are always innovative and creative, they perform with unlimited amounts of energy, on/off the stage, and they are not afraid to take risks. Well maybe they are afraid, but they don’t let fear stop them! Who can really say that any of these artists are not “one of a kind” or the “one and only”? What does this mean for us? First and foremost, do people say your organization, your products, or you, are “the one and only”?  Do they say- there is nothing else out there like it or I’ve never met another person like them? If not, then you might be in danger of falling off the charts. So let’s break it down. Reinvention– To produce something new that is based on something that already exists. If people or companies are starting to copy you or your products, you are no longer the one and only. So what action or steps do you need to take to reinvent?  Start with the Why? In his Ted Talk, Simon Sinek explained that the idea started with the why, not the what. So ask yourself and your team- why it’s time to reinvent. Then get everyone onboard and fired up as much as you are about the idea or vision. Innovation according to the dictionary is this: The introduction of something new. American hero Captain Sullenburger, who landed the plane safely on the Hudson River says to him innovation means, Changing before you’re forced to. Boom! Personally, I used to be so protective of my signature moves, routines, my catch phrases that I would really take it personal when people would start to copy me. But my awesome friend John Daly Jr. put me in check. He used to give his ideas away at association training seminars where many of his competitors would attend.  John said, “By the time I share one of my ideas, I’m already on to my next great one.” That was his motivation to keep pushing forward and being innovative before reinvention was needed. It should be your action step as well. Unlimited amounts of energy is generated physically and mentally. Great leaders need equal amounts of both for effectiveness and longevity. Physical energy is pretty simple. Eating real food, the right kind and amounts, and a consistent exercise program. Key word is consistent. That’s another important topic and we’ll feature it in an upcoming article called “Be Fit To Rock.“ Mental energy is a different animal. That can be described in many different ways and is different for everyone. For me, it’s controlling my attitude, and keeping my ego in check to fuel me rather than rule me. How do I do that? In my book Opportunity Rocks,  I quote the one and only Lady GaGa saying, ”I wake up in the morning, I make my hair bow, I put on my cat suit and call up everyone in the house of GaGa and say, “How are we going to be brilliant today”?  What if you did that everyday with your team or yourself? Would that feed your attitude to fuel some rock concert energy? Rockin’ Yes!!!!! Having control over my ego allows me to convert arrogance into positive energy and keeps raising my standards.  If we are constantly raising our standards, then our goals or dreams are naturally getting bigger and more exciting. When that happens, we can’t wait to get out of bed and start your daily jam session or working as you may call it. When you get closer to your goals, you’re excited, your team is excited and that kind of energy is contagious and unlimited. Your action step is to have a dream or goal so big it motivates you. If it doesn’t, it’s not big enough. If people are not talking about you or saying you are crazy, it’s not big enough. Taking risk or being fearless means this: Daily massive action and to boldly go where no one has gone before. Thank you Captain Kirk. I know we hear that all the time, but are we really doing it? What are we afraid of, being too successful? Working too hard? If that’s the case then you might consider changing careers. Taking a risk may mean failing. Awesome. Failure breeds success. So the more you fail, (and learn from the failures) the more successful you will be. Prince opened up for Elvis Costello once and was literally booed off the stage.  Did that stop him? No. Taking a risk can be blocked by fear. But try using fear as a GPS to show you where you need to go.  Watch out for another article titled Use Fear As Your GPS. Your action steps, now ask the what. What is the worst thing that could happen if I faced my fears? What is the best thing that could happen? What will actually happen if I face my fears? Distractions and procrastination can also stop you from taking a risk or being fearless. So you may consider applying some systems to keep that from happening. An accountability partner is a great start.  So in conclusion but certainly not in conclusion. Are you “the one and only?” If you are, What are you doing to stay “the one and only”? It’s the difference between being a rock legend or a one hit wonder.  If you’re not the “one and only” what plan of action do you have that includes, Reinvention, Innovation, Unlimited Energy, and looking your fears right in the eye and telling it to get out of the way. 80’s rock star Billy Squire sang, “Everybody Wants You?” Do they? The Business Rockstar is an Author, International Keynote Speaker, and Customer & Engagement Guru Click Here to learn more about Marvelless Mark

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