There is more than one way to ROCK with Marvelless Mark®! Marvelless Mark®, New Show, New Website, New Technology, and New Year…….
Keep your finger on the pulse of the Business Rockstar world with the convenience and power of social media!!In almost every general session, educational seminar, or special event that I have presented at, the buzz is all about increasing your network with social media!
As we begin our Business Rockstar blog we feel it’s important for you to know exactly what it takes to be a Business Rockstar![av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’10’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ av_uid=’av-4512st’] To be a Business Rockstar you…. You have superior talent – you can play and sing. You can harmonize with everyone else in the band. You […]
By Frank Candy, President, American Speakers Bureau Corporation Every person I have ever met who is at the top of their game in the business, publishing, entertainment, music and sports, had a dozen traits in common that made them a success. Throughout the year, I will provide insights and examples of these people and traits and provide suggestions on how you can develop them in your life.
In the tradition of guest bloggers our next piece comes from Brent Britton……..a gifted lawyer and Rockstar himself!!! [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’10’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ av_uid=’av-ggwsul’] Rockstar Counsel [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’10’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ av_uid=’av-ehri25′] Hi Rockstars! I am a lawyer. I help people start companies, do deals, and become rockstars. I try to be really good at […]
How to Avoid the Flu When Flying By Tammy Levent It’s not news that close quarters and recycled air spread germs, but with flu season in full swing and H1N1 lurking, you might want to take some extra precautions. Here are a few easy preventatives:
Rockstar Health- Here are a few New Years tips on keeping your metabolism at Rockstar Status!!! Around the time of New Years resolutions we all plan on shedding that stubborn holiday weight and get our bodies back in “peak performance”. Well here are some tried and true ways to keep our metabolism rockin’ throughout the day and even the night! During this busy meeting and incentive season it is important to keep our BUSINESS ROCKSTAR juices flowing so we can impact not only clients but co-workers with our infectious energy!!